LOS ANGELES, CA – July 26, 2010 – ICON Aircraft, an early-stage, Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) manufacturer, has announced two major design enhancements to improve flight safety and the user-experience of the ICON A5 aircraft. ICON has eliminated wing flaps to simplify pilot operations. ICON has also committed to a spin-resistant design, which will include, among other things, the addition of wing cuffs. Both improvements are designed to simplify aircraft complexity and increase safety—which is especially important for new pilots. “Although these enhancements are not required by the FAA or ASTM,” says Kirk Hawkins, ICON’s CEO, “this is yet another example of ICON raising the bar to not only make the A5 one of the coolest sport planes on the planet—but to make it simultaneously one of the safest and easiest to fly. This is absolutely the right move for the customer and worth the extra work to get there.” While general aviation is inherently quite safe, when accidents do occur, it is the stall/spin scenarios that are responsible for 13.7% of all fatal accidents, according to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). Of these accidents, it is slow-speed maneuvering prior to landing that is the most common accident scenario. Making the A5 spin resistant will help ensure that the pilot maintains control of the aircraft at all times, even if the airplane is inadvertently stalled. “Spin resistance is arguably the most significant safety improvement we could add to the already docile- handling A5,” said Matthew Gionta, ICON’s CTO and VP of Engineering. One safety feature already on the A5 is the Angle of Attack (AOA) indicator (standard on modern fighter jets) that shows the pilot at any given time exactly how the wing is flying, and most importantly, how close they are to a stall. “When combined with the AOA indicator, spin resistance adds a second level of safety where, in the event of a stall, the A5 remains wings-level and the pilot does not lose control of the aircraft.” Removal of the flaps is the other improvement to the A5. Flaps are typically used to reduce an aircraft’s stall speed for landing. However, Light Sport Aircraft regulations already require that Light Sport Aircraft stall no faster than 45 knots without the use of flaps. Given this FAA requirement combined with the LSA maximum speed restriction, ICON eliminated the A5 flaps since they offer marginal benefit for their increased complexity. “When an airplane can function equally well with less complexity, the result is increased safety,” said Gionta. “The pilot of an A5 will never have to remember to set the flaps for landing, whether on water or land. This is a classic example where simplicity is elegance, and that translates directly into a safer aircraft for our pilots.” ICON Aircraft has committed itself to fielding an aircraft that offers high performance for experienced pilots, while also being safe and very accessible for novice pilots. These two design improvements confirm the company’s commitment to that philosophy. Over one third of ICON’s current orders come from individuals who are not yet pilots.
ABOUT ICON AIRCRAFT: ICON Aircraft is a consumer sport plane manufacturer founded by Kirk Hawkins and Steen Strand while at Stanford University shortly after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) enacted regulation changes in 2004 that created the new sport flying category. Kirk is an engineer, former U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter pilot, and graduate of Stanford Business School. Steen, a former investment banker and Harvard graduate, holds a Masters in Engineering from Stanford in Product Design and is a serial entrepreneur. A privately funded company, ICON Aircraft’s base of operations is in Southern California, which is a hotbed for automotive design and aerospace engineering.
ABOUT FAA LIGHT SPORT AIRCRAFT & SPORT PILOT CLASSIFICATIONS: In 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) created a new classification of easy-to-fly and affordable two-person planes called Light Sport Aircraft that enable a new classification of Sport Pilots to fly in uncontrolled airspace during the daytime and in good weather. The Sport Pilot License focuses on the fundamentals of flying and requires a minimum of 20 hours of in-flight training, which is half the time and cost of a traditional Private Pilot License. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) described the new rules as “the biggest change in aviation in 50 years.”
July 26, 2010 - ICON Aircraft has announced two major design enhancements to improve flight safety and the user-experience of the ICON A5 aircraft. ICON has eliminated wing flaps to simplify pilot operations. ICON has also committed to a spin-resistant design, which will include, among other things, the addition of wing cuffs. Both improvements are designed to simplify aircraft complexity and increase safety—which is especially important for new pilots.
– Seats: 2
– Maximum Takeoff Weight: 1430 lbs
– Useful Load: 430
– 530 lbs (option dependent)
– Baggage: 60 lbs (maximum)
– Fuel (Auto Gas or Av Gas): 20 gal
– Maximum Speed (Vh): 105 kts (120 mph)
– Range: 300 NM – Takeoff & Landing Distance: 750 ft
– Engine (Rotax 912 ULS): 100 hp Performance specifications are estimates only.
– Interior Cockpit Width: 46 in
– Wingspan: 34 ft
– Aircraft Length: 22 ft
– Aircraft Height: 7.1 ft
– Trailered Width: 8.5 ft
– Trailered Length: 28 ft
– Trailered Height: 8.3 ft
– Folding wings (manual or automatic)
– Retractable landing gear (gear can be deleted entirely to make a pure seaplane)
– Seawing platforms for easy access and docking
– Custom aircraft towing trailer (optional)
– Headlights and floodlights
– High-strength, lightweight carbon fiber airframe
– Amphibious design (flies off land and water)
– High-performance wing and airfoil
– Reliable 100 hp Rotax 912 ULS engine
– Runs on auto gasoline or aviation gasoline
– Intuitive, sports car-like cockpit
– GPS moving map
– MP3 in-flight music port
– High-visibility, wrap-around canopy
– Flight with removable side windows
– Multiple storage compartments
– Predictable flying characteristics
– Low stall speed
– ICON Complete Airplane Parachute (optional)
– Patent-pending propeller guard
– Wing Angle of Attack indicator (AoA)
– Retractable landing gear
– Folding wings (manual)
– GPS moving map
– Analog flight instrumentation (per ASTM LSA standards)
– Intercom system
– VHF Communication Radio
– Mode C Transponder
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT (pricing and availability to be provided at Production Notice)
– ICON Complete Airplane Parachute
– Folding wings (automatic)
– Night lighting package
– Seaplane configuration (no landing gear)
– Attitude Indicator
– Custom A5 towing trailer Price, specifications and features are not guaranteed to be true or accurate and are subject to change. Actual aircraft performance will vary depending on options installed on the aircraft.
LOS ANGELES, CA – July 26, 2010 – Following a rigorous and comprehensive global supply chain analysis, ICON Aircraft (www.iconaircraft.com) has selected Liberty Aerospace of Melbourne, FL, and Flytech Kft. of Szombathely, Hungary, as their suppliers of structural composite assemblies for the ICON A5 Light Sport Aircraft. The selection is a significant step in ICON’s ongoing development efforts of its ICON A5, marking an important milestone toward production of the highly anticipated aircraft. The selection of the two companies illustrates ICON’s strategy to outsource the composite structure manufacturing to take advantage of exceptional capabilities already existing in the certified aircraft sector, rather than recreating them. This strategy allows ICON to focus solely on the remaining development of the production aircraft design, while controlling all final assembly, system integration, and testing to ensure product quality. “The proven track records of both companies in high-quality composite production drove this decision,” said Kirk Hawkins, CEO and Founder of ICON Aircraft. “At ICON, we do our homework to ensure we get to great solutions – and this is just another example. Partnering with established suppliers will allow ICON to not only reach production sooner, but also accelerate the production ramp to meet the impressive demand we’re seeing for the A5.” ICON will receive major composite structural assemblies from these suppliers and will control all system installation, final assembly, finishing, and testing prior to delivery. A5 production will be at ICON’s facilities in Southern California. Liberty Aerospace currently manufactures a certified composite aircraft under an FAA-approved quality system, which will directly benefit the production of the ICON A5. Additionally, Liberty brings extensive design-for-manufacturing capabilities that will be leveraged in the production design of the A5. Flytech has been manufacturing composite aircraft tooling since 1983 and composite parts since 1996. Their use of the latest generation resin-impregnating technology and their top-of-the-line ERP and production control systems ensure the highest quality light aircraft structures.
ABOUT ICON AIRCRAFT: ICON Aircraft is a consumer sport plane manufacturer founded by Kirk Hawkins and Steen Strand while at Stanford University shortly after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) enacted regulation changes in 2004 that created the new sport flying category. Kirk is an engineer, former U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter pilot, and graduate of Stanford Business School. Steen, a former investment banker and Harvard graduate, holds a Masters in Engineering from Stanford in Product Design and is a serial entrepreneur. A privately funded company, ICON Aircraft’s base of operations is in Southern California, which is a hotbed for automotive design and aerospace engineering.
ABOUT FLYTECH KFT: Since 1996, Flytech Kft. has been a supplier of high-quality composite parts and structural assemblies for aviation using the latest-generation laminating machine and wet-layup technologies. A new production facility in 2007 located in Szombathely, Hungary, added over 60,000 sq ft of modern manufacturing space. Partnered with its sister company, Aeroplastic Kft., a specialized composite-mold production shop with a history to 1983, Flytech offers a single facility for all composite needs from CAD model to finished composite part. In the course of its work, Flytech has produced parts and assemblies for many of the leading European aeroplane manufacturers such as Diamond Aircraft, Comco Icarus and Remos Aircraft. With over 1,200 aircraft produced and ISO 9001 quality certification, Flytech is a perfect manufacturing partner for the Light Sport Aircraft industry.
ABOUT LIBERTY AEROSPACE, INC. (www.libertyaircraft.com): Based in Florida’s Space Coast, Liberty Aerospace, Inc., designs and manufactures general aviation aircraft and aircraft structures and is the FAA Type Certificate holder for the IFR, Part 23 certified Liberty XL2, the only certified production aircraft powered by a piston engine equipped with a full authority digital engine control (FADEC). Liberty has been awarded an FAA Production Certificate and meets all of the demanding audit and quality requirements set forth by the FAA. Specializing in advanced carbon fiber construction techniques, Liberty, as both an engineering and manufacturing organization, employs some of the most talented engineers, DERs and DARs in the world and is one of two companies in the U.S. that is authorized by the FAA to manufacture primary structures utilizing the Toray carbon fiber system. With this experience, Liberty has emerged as a leader in the design, certification and manufacturing of advanced materials, delivering aircraft and components to other OEMs that meet both the practical and regulatory demands of the aerospace industry.
ABOUT FAA LIGHT SPORT AIRCRAFT & SPORT PILOT CLASSIFICATIONS: In 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) created a new classification of easy-to-fly and affordable two-person planes called Light Sport Aircraft that enable a new classification of Sport Pilots to fly. The Sport Pilot License focuses on the fundamentals of flying and requires a minimum of 20 hours of in-flight training, which is half the time and cost of a traditional Private Pilot's License. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) described the new rules as "the biggest change in aviation in 50 years."
ICON Selects Composite Structure Suppliers
The Life Style
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